% |
Number of Winning Bidders | |
Number of Bidding Rounds | |
Duration of Trading Event (hours:mins) | |
Minimum Supply (MT) | |
Maximum Supply (MT) |
Number of participating bidders
Quantity sold (MT)
The shaded dials indicate the proportion of each product group sold versus total quantity sold during the previous 12 months, with a 3 month lag. Figures within the dials represent the percentage change in GDT Price Index and the weighted average price. All information published on this page may be reproduced provided the user acknowledges Global Dairy Trade as the source. See Explanatory Notes below for more detailed definitions.
The GDT Price Index is calculated from the total quantity sold in a Trading Event across all products, contract periods and sellers. For more information on the price index calculation, please go to our “How GDT Events work” page.
All information published on this page may be reproduced provided the user acknowledges Global Dairy Trade as the source.
Quantity sold is the total quantity sold in a Trading Event across all products, contract periods and sellers. The quantity sold may be less than the minimum supply if the quantity bid on a product in the first bidding round was less than the minimum supply
Minimum supply and maximum supply are the lower and upper bounds on the quantities the sellers wish to sell in the Trading Event. The maximum supply is also sometimes referred to as the sellers' offer quantity.
Number of participating bidders is the number of bidders who entered a bid in the first round of the Trading Event.
Average winning price is the quantity-weighted average of winning prices at the Trading Event. “n.a.” for the winning price means that no prices were available for that contract period and therefore no average price was applicable.
“n.a.” for the percentage change in GDT Price Index means that no product was offered or sold, or no price was published for the last event, or on both of the two previous events. I.e. a change in GDT Price Index is only shown if there is a price available for the last event AND for at least one of the two previous events.
Please see here to view a full list of country codes.
GDT Events Sellers Using FAS:
Valley Milk
Europe-Based GDT Events sellers using FCA are:
Arla Foods Ingredients
Kerry Ingredients (Ireland) Limited